How Can I Help? ...because I've been there.
I am the quintessential Type A, intense, bold, driven person…just like you. I have been a veterinarian for 35 years. I have owned my own practice and been an associate. I have been an employer and an employee. I have hated my job and my life…and I have been able to fall back in love with both.
My life is a lot like yours. I work hard and honestly. But, there were times when I felt the more I worked, the less I knew of myself. I gave too much to my job, my profession, my clients, and my patients…and no time to myself. I was depressed. I took Xanax. I had insomnia. I went to therapy. I wanted out.
But it all changed when I realized I had a choice. I could choose to love myself and get the help I needed. Through years of work, I have changed into a person who now gets to love others…and herself. I still work hard, but I manage myself to make sure the work is productive and has boundaries to protect me.
I now get to be passionate about the things that are important to me….my husband, my dog…Oaklyn, and hiking in beautiful places. These are the things that motivate me to improve all that I do … as well as the desire to help others get to a better place in their life.
I’m the perfect coach for you…because I’ve been there…and I get you.